Photography and Thoughts by Ulanawa Foote

Thursday, September 13, 2012


The spirit of the wildflower touches me.
It is able to endure where other flowers cannot.
It is able to grow and thrive
in most any environment.
In times of plenty or want, it manages to survive.
They continue to spread their beauty,
often in places where there are very few to acknowledge
or even appreciate them.
But their beauty still shines.
Unlike those with exceptional flowers
in prestigious gardens,
where attention and adoration flourishes,
the wildflower spirit peacefully exists without clamor or fanfare … but nonetheless never lacking in its own breath taking beauty and plentiful purpose.
 Often hidden away in obscure places with nothing to really draw attention to them, they speak the colorful language of hope to those who think themselves ordinary with nothing spectacular to offer.
In the hidden meadows, valleys and quiet places where the wildflowers thrive, there brims a fullness of life not noticeable to the busy world surrounding them.
They are a refuge, a shelter, a comfort to those who inhabit them. They provide nurturing and care to the small and fragile who depend upon them for their very survival. There is nothing ordinary about them. Their quiet nature may seem to keep  them hidden and even feeling overlooked , but in reality, a buzzing and busy place of wonder exists.
A colorful and fragrant garden is the wildflower spirit, offering hope and rest to what so much of the world has rejected and deemed unimportant.
They give freely, asking nothing in return.
They give fully, holding nothing of
themselves back to those who need them. 
They love unconditionally, and their fields are full of song.
They exist to make the lives of others a safe place and a haven. They take a quiet joy in seeing the lives they contribute to thrive and succeed. That is their own reward.
Blessed are the wildflower spirits, for their hearts know no boundaries and their love knows no limits. In their medicinal meadows of mercy, hope for others will always abound.


Jonathan Schechter said...

Just perfect. Makes me smile! And as always the pictures blend so well with the tale.

Ulanawa said...

Thank you. :) If turtle is not in her pond ... check the nearest meadow! LOL!!!!

Carol C. said...

Love your photos. I have really been paying attention to wildflowers this year and never realized how many different varieties there were. Amazing that they grow so beautifully with no tending from a human hand.

Sakoieta said...

A beautiful banquet of delectable delights. Exquisitely made for the artists and nature lovers palate. You work continues to be astounding my dear. Simply astounding!! :)

Julie Horvath said...

Absolutely stunning! Started viewing your posts and pics when Jonathon began posting them.....your songs speak to my spirit. Thank you!

Ulanawa said...

Thank you for the kind words, Julie. I am very happy you are enjoying them. :)