There is just something about a frog. I have yet to see a child who hasn’t enjoyed the thrill of chasing one in hopes of being able to catch it and hold it. I have seen it awaken the inner child of the adult as well. I can see the glee dancing in their eyes and the smile it brings when a frog hops across their path. They are wonderful little carriers of curiosity and joy for the young and old alike. I am the first to vouch for that. Ask anyone who knew me as a child and they will tell you my great love for frogs early on. And I am the first one at 48 years young to allow my heart to leap and hop in joy when I see them, happily pursuing them. The presence of the frog makes my heart smile big as I watch the reactions and interactions of people of all ages as they encounter a frog or a wog. For my heart knows their secret. ;)
Frogs are excellent teachers. Just their presence alone, is an indicator as to the condition of water sources about us. Where there is an abundance of frogs, there is a healthy ecosystem. But I look at something else, another ecosystem, beyond the obvious. There is a reason why the frog draws us. And it often teaches us on a subconscious level.
I have seen many a fearful child delight in frogs. What draws them? On a subconscious level they are drawn to the frog’s ability to leap into the unknown without hesitation or fear. It does this naturally and teaches us to do the same.
Frogs start out in their water world, and as they mature and grow their land legs, without thought or hesitation , they leap into the new land world, a world completely unknown to them.
They balance the two environments beautifully, exploring the land world, and always returning to the comforts of their original water world as well.
They know who they are. They know where they are from. No matter where they go on land, or where life takes them, they always remain connected to who Creator made them to be. Their identity is never severed . Rather, it serves them well and is a gift. I see all people groups as unique with special gifts of their own which Creator has blessed them with to offer the rest of the world. The frog is a beautiful reminder of that.
And in a modern world, with so many choices to be made and so many sudden twists and turns, change can be a frightening thing … and a little frog hopping across our path may be just the encouragement we need as it beckons us to take a leap of faith and hop on into the unknown, where a world of new opportunities awaits us.
Yet always remembering who we are and where we are from …
no matter what we do or where we are going.