Photography and Thoughts by Ulanawa Foote

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I’m sitting by my window, watching it rain. And I notice how the rain is not a respecter of persons or things. It falls upon my home and my neighbors homes. It falls upon the winged, the 4-legged and those that creep along the ground. It falls upon the plant and rock people. It falls upon the 2-leggeds … whether they be just people or not. It falls upon people whether their skin is red, yellow, black or white.  It matters not to the rain. Creator’s love is like the rain and showers upon us all, regardless of where we are at or what our present circumstances are. We can learn a lot from the rain. It is cleansing and nurturing, and beautifies the earth with its life-sustaining kisses. May our love be like the rain - a continuous shower that nurtures and beautifies all.




misslismarie said...

I agree let the love rain.

Carol C. said...

I agree that these photos are beautiful!
Also love the eagle pics that you posted on FB.