Photography and Thoughts by Ulanawa Foote

Monday, August 15, 2011


In native thought, the spider represents the creative pattern of life. It is a symbol of beauty and the catcher of bad dreams.

The sight or even the thought of a spider is enough to make some shiver and shake. Spooky shadows making them look much larger than they are and creepy stories aid to amplify the dislike many have for these creatures.
But I wonder … why do so many not see these creatures that Creator made as beautiful, as a wonder to behold?
Whatever happened to make some people view them differently?  
I think of how very impressionable we are when we are young. The information we are fed and the reactions of other people around us mold and shape our view of things.
A little spider propaganda about what an awful blood-sucking creature it is and a few people jumping around screaming is enough to begin the process of molding such a negative view.
I write this because it has me thinking how this also relates to our views and perceptions of different people groups and cultures. I believe Creator gave each people and their culture a distinct beauty. I also believe He gave each creature He created a "culture" and distinct beauty of their own.
And yet, our minds can easily be influenced by stereotypes and negative stories; by other’s careless words and reactions, and we soon learn to fear and dislike anyone or anything whose ways are different than ours.
Creator makes no mistakes and made all things good. And yet sadly, we somehow manage to continually find ways to distort and destroy the very beauty He has created, missing out on the blessing He intended to gift us with through them.




Jonathan Schechter said...

Your sentence about a little spider propaganda is just perfect, and so true. See it all the time on nature walks as parents influence their children and others by acting out their fears and dislikes of creatures without beautiful Bambi-eyes.

Sakoieta said...

Ulanawa your writing is golden. Filled with treasures of truth about the natural world and human relationships as well. Pure gold. :)

Mike Papiez said...

I'm a friend of Jonathan Schechter. He introduced me to your blog and photos. Like Jonathan I'm a member of MOWA, actually a board member at the present. I'm also a member of OWAA(Outdoor Writers Association of America). Both organizations are always looking for new (talented) blood. Your photos have the quality to be marketed. Have you thought about attending Wayne Richard Pope's workshop this weekend pursue that route.

Ulanawa said...

Thank you, Mike. I am very much interested in pursuing getting my writings published and photos marketed and am hoping to eventually attend one of Wayne Richard Pope's workshops. He is oneo f my fb friends and I am a fan of his photography page. :) ... Again I thank you for the encouraging comments and appreciate you taking the time to share them.