Photography and Thoughts by Ulanawa Foote

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I love discovering out of place things. While quietly admiring the turtles and ducks in the lotus pond, I looked up from where I was sitting and noticed a bobber high up on a tree branch, swingly gently and colorfully in the breeze, keeping time with the Red Winged Blackbird's song. Made me smile. Careless fisherman?? Maybe. But that is not what my heart saw. I thought about how often we have cast out our prayers, only to find the answers to them turn up in unexpected places. And how often we may even miss them, because we fail to notice them in a place we do not normally seek. I think of tangled up circumstances and in our searching, how Creator sometimes lovingly intercepts a prayer cast upon faith's waters and hangs them in a tree, so to speak, for the right person or situation or set of circumstances to come along to bring about the answers we seek. I think of how often we have also been the one to "bite" at the spiritual bobber we feel, and in our doing so, are able to help another who's prayers were cast out and waiting. Warms my heart. A humorous and colorful reminder of how important it is to stay alert and open and flexible. For the answers to our prayers, or someone else's,  may just be swaying in the breeze right above us.



Jonathan Schechter said...

You make a stray bobber take a new life of hope; others, perhaps myself included would just say, "Ooops, someone lost their bobber" yet you captivate in your words and lens. Your audience will grow and smile with you.

Ulanawa said...

Thank you. Always thinking and forever wondering. Curious and quirky I am!! LOL!!